Staff & students
Mathilde Lejeune (Research assistant: 2020-21): Physiological Ecology of wild king penguins in Crozet Archipelago
Mikaela Hukkanen (MSc student 2020-21): Maternal hormonal programming of gene expression in wild great tits
Pauliina Pajala (MSc student 2021): Effects of Glyphosate on cellular bioenergetics & ageing
Kalle Aho (MSc student 2020-21): Maternal hormonal programming of gene expression in wild great tits
Anne Cilliard (Research assistant: 2019-20): Physiological Ecology of wild king penguins in Crozet Archipelago

Nina Cossin-Sevrin (PhD student: 2020-23): From mitochondrial efficiency to Darwinian fitness

Natacha Garcin (MSc student 2020, Research Assistant 2020-21): Linking stress, energetics and ageing rate in wild king penguin

Tiia Kärkkäinen (PhD student: 2018-21): Telomere dynamics and life history in pied flycatcher

Coline Marciau (SPFFF Research Fellow: 2019): Unravelling the sources of variation in mitochondrial function and their fitness consequences in wild passerine species

Sandra Avril (Research assistant: 2018-19): Physiological Ecology of wild king penguins in Crozet Archipelago

Lucie Abollivier (Research assistant: 2018-19): Physiological Ecology of wild king penguins in Crozet Archipelago

Nina Cossin-Sevrin (MSc student: 2019): Effect of prenatal thyroid hormones on key hallmarks of ageing

Mélanie Crombecque (MSc student: 2019): Effect of prenatal thyroid hormone on postnatal growth rate and TH levels

Axelle Delaunay (Research assistant: 2019): Physiological Ecology of wild great tits and pied flycatchers in Ruissalo island (Finland)

Caroline Gerard (Research assistant: 2017-18): Physiological Ecology of wild king penguins in Crozet Archipelago

Becky Shaw (MSc student: 2016): Influence of pre-natal environmental conditions on stress physiology in Japanese quails

Katie Byrne (MSc student: 2016): Influence of pre-natal environmental conditions on behavioural traits in Japanese quails

Franklin Low (BSc student: 2016): Influence of pre-natal environmental conditions on growth and telomere dynamics in Japanese quails
Juliette Chassagnaud (MSc student: 2015): Influence of anthropogenic disturbance on the stress physiology of marbled newts
Quentin Le Petitcorps (MSc student: 2015): Development and validation of stress markers in marbled newts

Quentin Schull (MSc student: 2012): Mitochondrial uncoupling and life-history trade-offs in captive zebra finches

Mathilde Tissier (MSc student: 2012): Hatching asynchrony affects hallmarks of ageing in wild great tits
Aude Nowak (MSc student: 2012): Influence of altitude on the hallmarks of ageing in wild great tits
Julie Baysang (MSc student: 2011): Mitochondrial uncoupling and physical performances in captive zebra finch
Romain Yannick (MSc student: 2011): Mitochondrial uncoupling and oxidative stress, insight from the UCP1 KO mouse model

Frech Polar Programs 119 & 131: Determinants of individual quality in wild king penguins: from behaviour to the mitochondria (Jean-Patrice Robin, Vincent Viblanc, Pierre Bize, Quentin Schull & Damien Roussel)

Paul Sunnuck's team (Monash University): Links between mitochondrial DNA polymorphism, mitochondrial function and fitness in the wild: the case-study of Eastern-Yellow Robins

European action CA15203 COST MITOEAGLE: Mitochondrial mapping: Evolution–Age–Gender–Lifestyle Environment. Participation in working group 4 “blood and cultured cells"

Pierre Bize (University of Aberdeen): Influence of mitochondrial function on avian life histories and ageing

Pat Monaghan & Neil Metcalfe (University of Glasgow): Influence of developmental rate and stability on the hallmarks of ageing, an experimental approach in Japanese quail using incubation temperature
Suvi Ruuskanen (University of Turku): Influence of pre-natal exposure to thyroid hormones on the hallmarks of ageing in birds
Barbara Tschirren (University of Exeter): Influence of pre-natal resource availability on the hallmarks of ageing, an experimental approach in Japanese quail using artificial selection lines
Sophie Reichert (University of Turku): Effects of oxidative stress on telomere dynamics in vivo
Mark Haussmann (Bucknell University): Influence of acute stress exposure on oxidative homeostasis in birds
Stefania Casagrande (Max Planck Institute for Ornithology): Influence of early-life stress hormone exposure on mitochondrial function in wild great tits.
Rémy Simide (Institut Océanographique Paul Ricard): Influence of environmental stress on the hallmarks of ageing in fish
Anne Delestrade (Centre de Recherches sur les Ecosystèmes d'Altitude): Influence of environmental constraints linked to altitude on the hallmarks of ageing in wild tits