MEE Cover 2017
MEE blogpost
First or Senior author
25- Koch R, Buchanan K, Casagrande S, Crino O, Dowling D, Hill G, Hood W, McKenzie M, Mariette M, Noble D, Pavlova A, Seebacher F, Sunnucks P, Udino E, White C, Salin K* & Stier A* (joint last authors; 2020). Integrating mitochondrial aerobic metabolism into Ecology and Evolution. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, in press
24- Stier A. (2020) Human blood contain cell-free mitochondria, but are they really functional and where do they come from? (bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.12.29.424785; under review in FASEB J)
23- Stier A, Bize P, Massemin S & Criscuolo F (2020). Long-term intake of the illegal diet pill DNP reduces lifespan in a captive bird model. Comp Biochem Physiol Part C, in press
22- Kärkkäinen T, Teerikorpi P, Schuett W, Stier A* & Laaksonen T* (joint last authors; 2020). Interplays between pre- and post-natal environments affect early-life mortality, body mass and telomere dynamics in the wild. Journal of Experimental Biology, 231290
21- Stier A, Hsu B-Y, Marciau C, Doligez B, Gustafsson L, Bize P & Ruuskanen S (2020). Born to be young? Prenatal thyroid hormones increase early-life telomere length in wild collared flycatchers. Biology Letters 16, 20200364
20- Hsu B-Y, Sarraude T, Cossin-Sevrin N, Crombecque M, Stier A* & Ruuskanen S* (joint last authors; 2020). Testing for context-dependent effects of prenatal thyroid hormones on offspring survival and physiology: an experimental temperature manipulation. Scientific Reports 10, 14563
19- Kärkkäinen T, Bize P & Stier A (2020). Correlation in telomere length between feathers and blood cells in pied flycatchers. Journal of Avian Biology, 51(4)
18- Stier A, Metcalfe NB, & Monaghan P (2019). Ageing before birth: pace and stability of prenatal growth affect telomere dynamics. bioRxiv, 809087 (in revision for Proceedings of the Royal Society B)
17- Stier A, Bize P, Hsu B-Y & Ruuskanen S (2019). Plastic but repeatable: rapid adjustments of mitochondrial function and density during reproduction in a wild bird species. Biology Letters 15, 20190536
16- Stier A, Bize P, Haussmann M, Roussel D, Robin JP & Viblanc V (2019). Oxidative stress and mitochondrial responses to stress exposure suggest that king penguins are naturally equipped to resist stress. Scientific Reports 9, 8545
15- Reichert S & Stier A (2017). Does oxidative stress shorten telomeres? A review. Biology Letters 13
14- Stier A, Romestaing C, Schull Q, Lefol E, Robin JP, Roussel D & Bize P (2017). How to measure mitochondrial function in birds using red blood cells: a case study in the king penguin and perspectives in ecology and evolution. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8, 1172-1182
13- Marasco V*, Stier A* (joint 1st authors), Boner W, Griffiths K, Heidinger B & Monaghan P (2017). Environmental conditions can modulate the links among oxidative stress, age and longevity. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 164, 100-107
12- Stier A*, Dupoué A* (joint 1st authors), Angelier F, Picard D, Brischoux F & Lourdais O (2017). Oxidative stress in a capital breeder (Vipera aspis) facing pregnancy and water constraints. Journal of Experimental Biology 220, 1792-1796
11- Simide R, Angelier F, Gaillard S & Stier A (2016). Age and heat stress as determinants of telomere length in a long-lived fish, the Siberian sturgeon. Physiological & Biochemical Zoology 89, 441-447
10- Stier A, Delestrade A, Pierre Bize, Zahn S, Criscuolo F & Massemin S (2016). Investigating how telomere dynamics, growth and life-history covary along an elevation gradient in two passerine species. Journal of Avian Biology 47, 134-140
9- Stier A, Reichert S, Criscuolo F & Bize P (2015). Red blood cells open promising avenues for longitudinal studies of ageing in laboratory, non-model and wild animals. Experimental Gerontology 71, 118-134
8- Stier A, Tissier M, Criscuolo F & Massemin S (2015). Starting with a handicap: Effects of hatching asynchrony on growth rate, oxidative stress and telomere dynamics in free-living great tits. Oecologia 179, 999-1010
7- Stier A, Bize P, Habold-Oudart C, Massemin S & Criscuolo F (2014) Mitochondrial uncoupling prevents cold-induced oxidative stress: a case study using UCP1 knock-out mice. Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 624-630
6- Stier A, Viblanc V, Massemin S, Handrich Y, Zahn S, Rojas E, Saraux C, Le Vaillant M, Prud’homme O, Grosbellet E, Robin JP, Bize P & Criscuolo F (2014). Starting with a handicap: phenotypic differences between early- and late-born king penguin chicks and their survival correlates. Functional Ecology 28, 601-611
5- Stier A, Delestrade A, Zahn S, Arrivé M, Criscuolo F & Massemin S (2014). Elevation impacts the balance between growth and oxidative stress in coal tits. Oecologia 175, 791-800
4- Stier A, Massemin S & Criscuolo F (2014). Chronic mitochondrial uncoupling treatment prevents acute cold-induced oxidative stress in birds. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 184, 1021-1029
3- Stier A, Bize P, Roussel D, Schull Q, Massemin S & Criscuolo F (2014). Mitochondrial uncoupling as a regulator of life history trajectories in birds: An experimental study in the zebra finch. Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 3579-3589
2- Stier A, Bize P, Schull Q, Zoll J, Singh F, Geny B, Gros F, Royer C, Massemin S & Criscuolo F (2013) Avian erythrocytes have functional mitochondria, opening novel perspectives for birds as animal models in the study of ageing. Frontiers in Zoology 10, 33
1- Stier A, Reichert S, Massemin S, Bize P & Criscuolo F (2012) Constraint and cost of oxidative stress on reproduction - correlative evidence in laboratory mice and review of the literature. Frontiers in Zoology 9, 37
15- Casagrande S, Stier A, Monaghan P, Loveland JL, Boner W, Lupi S, Trevisi R, & Hau M (2020). Increased glucocorticoid concentrations in early-life cause mitochondrial inefficiency and short telomeres. Journal of Experimental Biology 223, 222513
14- Viblanc VA, Schull Q, Stier A, Durand L, Lefol E, Robin JP, Zahn S, Bize P, & Criscuolo F (2020). Foster rather than biological parental telomere length predicts offspring survival and telomere length in king penguins. Molecular Ecology, in press
13- Gnaiger E, Aasander Frostner E, Abdul Karim N, Abumrad NA, ..., Stier A, ..., Zorzano A & Zvejniece L (2019). Mitochondrial respiratory states and rates. Bioenergetics Communications doi:10.26124/mitofit:190001.v2
12- Majer AD, Fasanello VJ, Tindle K, Frenz BJ, Ziur AD, Fisher CP, Fletcher KL, Seecof OM, Gronsky S, Vassallo BG, Reed WL, Stier A & Haussmann MF (2019). Is there an oxidative cost of acute stress? Characterization, implication of glucocorticoids and modulation by prior stress experience. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286, 20191698
11- Kärkkäinen T, Teerikorpi P, Panda B, Helle S, Stier A & Laaskonen T (2019). Impact of continuous predation threat on telomere dynamics in parent and nestling pied flycatchers. Oecologia 191, 757-766
10- Viblanc VA, Schull Q, Cornioley T, Stier A, Ménard JJ, Groscolas R & Robin JP (2018). An integrative appraisal of the hormonal and metabolic changes induced by acute stress using king penguins as a model. General and Comparative Endocrinology 269, 1-10.
9- Viblanc VA, F. Dobson S, Stier A, Saraux C, Schull Q, Gineste B, Kauffmann M, Massemin S, Pardonnet S, Robin JP, Criscuolo F and Bize P (2016). Mutually honest? Physiological ‘qualities’ signaled by color ornaments in a monomorphic seabird. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 118, 200-214
8- Schull Q, Dobson SF, Stier A, Criscuolo F, Lefol E, Saadaoui H, Robin JP, Bize P & Viblanc VA (2016). Beak color dynamically signals changes in fasting status and parasite loads in king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus). Behavioral Ecology 27, 1684-1693
7- Schull Q, Viblanc VA, Stier A, Saadaoui H, Lefol E, Criscuolo F Bize P & Robin JP (2016). The oxidative debt of fasting: evidence for short to medium-term costs of advanced fasting in adult king penguins. Journal of Experimental Biology 219, 3284-3293
6- Speakman J, Blount J, Bronikowski A, Buffenstein S, Isaksson C, Kirkwood T, Monaghan P, Ozanne S, Beaulieu M, Briga M, Carr S, Christensen L, Cochemé H, Cram D, Dantzer B, Harper J, Jurk D, King A, Noguera JC, Salin K, Sild E, Simons M, Smith S, Stier A, Tobler M, Vitikainen E, Peaker M & Selman C (2015). Oxidative stress and life histories: unresolved issues and current needs. Ecology & Evolution 5, 5745-5757
5- Reichert S, Stier A, Zahn S, Bize P, Massemin S & Criscuolo F (2014). Increased brood size leads to persistent eroded telomeres. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution 2, 9
4- Viblanc VA, Gineste B, Stier A, Robin JP & Groscolas R (2014). Stress hormones in relation to breeding status and territory location in colonial king penguin: a role for social density? Oecologia 175, 763-772
3- Plumel M, Stier A, Thiersé D, Van Dorsselaer A, Criscuolo F & Bertile F (2014). Litter size manipulation in laboratory mice: an example of how proteomic analysis can uncover new mechanisms underlying the cost of reproduction. Frontiers in Zoology 11, 41
2- Lehto Hürlimann M, Stier A, Scholly O, Criscuolo F & Bize P (2014). Short- and long-term effects of litter size manipulation in wild-derived common voles. Biology Letters 10, 20131096
1- Geiger S, Le Vaillant M, Lebard T, Reichert S, Stier A, Le Maho Y, Criscuolo F (2012). Catching-up but telomere loss: half-opening the black box of growth and ageing trade-off in wild king penguin chicks. Molecular Ecology 21, 1500-1510